Frequently Asked Questions - Documentation and Release Notes

Matthew Calmes
Matthew Calmes Posts: 3
edited March 2023 in Release Notes

Please bookmark this discussion topic to find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to Brightspace Help Documentation and Release Notes.

Question: How do I print Release Notes from Brightspace Community?

You can print any text or images from Brightspace Community by copying the text and pasting it into your preferred word processor. This includes any and all Release Notes.

To print Release Notes from Brightspace Community

  1. Navigate to Brightspace Community and click Release Notes.
  2. Select your preferred Release Notes date.
  3. Select the text that you would like to print and copy.

    Figure: The Copy option for selected text.
  4. Paste into your word processor.
  5. Print.

Video: How to print release notes from Brightspace Community

Question: How do I ask a question on Brightspace Community?

You can ask a question directly from the Brighspace Community home page.

To ask a question

  1. Navigate to the Brightspace Community home page.
  2. Click the Ask a Question button.
  3. From the Ask a Question page, do the following:
    • Select a Category for your question.

      Note: When you select a category, you are selecting which category page that you want your question to be posted. For example, if you select the Higher Ed/Postsecondary category, your question is added to the Discussions section of that cateogry page.
    • Pose your question and add details.
    • Type in the Tags field and select any relevant tags for your question.
  4. Click Ask Question.

Your question is added to the Discussions section of the Category page that you selected.

Figure: A new question posted to the Discussions section of a category page.

Video: How to ask a question

Question: How do I receive notifications for and comment on Release Notes in Brightspace Community?

You can receive notifications about Release Notes and leave comments on the Release Notes discussion page.

To receive notifications about Release Notes

  1. From Brightspace Community, navigate to Release Notes.
  2. Click the Release Notes Updates link.
  3. Click the Bookmark icon to receive notifications.

When a notification appears, you can view it by clicking the Bell icon.

To leave a comment on Release Notes Updates

  1. In Release Notes, scroll down to and click Release Notes Updates.
  2. Add your comment to the Leave a Comment field.
  3. Once you're finished, click Post Comment.

Your comment is added to the Release Notes Updates discussion.

Video: Get Notifications and Comment on Release Notes

Question: How do I search for resources in a specific industry in Brightspace Community?

You can search for industry specific resources in Brightspace Community by using the search field and some additional filters to refine your search.

To search for industry specific resources

  1. Navigate to the Brightspace Community home page.
  2. Above the search bar, choose an industry to search in.

    Figure: The Search In industry filter options above the search bar.
  3. Type your desired search terms and select from the options listed or press Enter.

    Figure: An example of search results generated.

    Note: Each search result listed is also tagged with the industry and persona it applies to. For example, Instructor Documentation (Higher Ed).
  4. From the Search results page, you can also refine your under Filter Results.

    Figure: The Filter Results section of the Search results page.

Once you have selected content, to perform additional seraches, click the Brightspace Community Logo to return to the home page.

Video: Search for Resources in Community


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