When you set the due date and time for an assignment, and a learner, who is in a different time zone, accesses the assignment, the due date and time appears in the learner's time zone.
For example, if a learner in Mountain Standard Time (MST) views an assignment that is due on May 25th, at 5 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), the due date and time appears to the learner as May 25th 3 pm MST.
Note: If your learners are traveling outside of their original continent and / or time zone, advise them to update their continent and time zone settings to accurately reflect assignment and activity due dates.
If you want to set due dates and times for a time zone that you are not currently in (for example, you live in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), but are setting assignments for your school in EST, you can set your preferred time zone, which can be a different time zone than your browser or operating system.
To set your preferred time zone:
- On the minibar, click your username.
- Figure: User profile settings in Brightspace Learning Environment
- Click Account Settings.
- From the Continent drop-down menu, select your continent.
- From the Time Zone drop-down menu, select your preferred time zone.
- Click Save.